Report highlights UX innovations to maximize Generation Z engagement with streaming services, including on linear TV

The video UX specialist Accedo has published a report advising media companies how to engage Generation Z on their streaming services, noting that this “special generation keeps designers and developers on their toes, constantly pushing the boundaries and demanding higher quality, usability and personalization.” The report is split into seven sections including one that considers the approach to linear TV.

The advice is to create a buzz around linear by integrating social watching, sharing and gamification. “Integrating social elements into linear TV like live chat, comments and polls is a way to connect with this demographic group’s social media-native preferences,” the report says. Live streaming services like Twitch do this well, as they allow the viewers to engage with the content in real-time.

“By giving viewers the chance to join discussions, express their opinions, and even shape the content, broadcasters can really grab and hold onto the attention of audiences who are used to being part of the action in online communities,” the report says.

Report author Annie Gasparich, who is a Product Designer with Accedo (and a Gen Z-er herself) acknowledges the importance of TV guides for introducing Gen Z to new shows. “This is especially effective given their willingness to share data for personalized recommendations and free content,” she says.

The report, ‘Designing for Gen Z – The Key to Cracking This Crucial Demographic’, says responsible gamification should be a key focus. “Gamification is transforming the video streaming landscape, offering users a fresh and engaging experience through badges, points and personalized content,” the author says.

“Leveraging gamified data can boost customer engagement, attention and loyalty as demonstrated by Spotify’s curated playlists and annual wrapped mixes tailored to individual preferences. It is a mutually beneficial relationship that fosters personalized experiences while driving innovation in streaming services.”

Gasparich warns of the need for caution when it comes to ethics, such as parental concerns about screen time.

Still discussing gamification, Accedo recommends the use of features that unlock exclusive content, like behind-the-scenes footage or bonus episodes of popular series as rewards for completing challenges or reaching milestones, like being one of the first 100 people to watch the new episode.

The report recommends Twitch-style live premieres, perhaps to celebrate the release of a highly anticipated movie or series. “The streaming service could organize a virtual watch party where Gen Z users can watch the content together in real-time while chatting and participating in interactive polls and quizzes related to the show,” it suggests. The report also recommends interactive series where viewers influence the storyline by making choices for a protagonist.

In-video interactivity is another tactic streaming service providers could use. A simple example is viewers clicking on ingredients while watching a cooking show. Polls could pop up during travel documentaries asking viewers which destination they would like the show to explore.

The report also contains advice on how to maximize social media as a marketing and engagement channel. It refers to ‘Fancams’ – short fan-made edits of beloved shows or movies, accompanied with musical overlays. Gasparich reminds media owners they have industry-leading brand images to harness. They should look beyond trailers when promoting content.

“Influencer marketing and iconic visuals are pivotal in building excitement for OTT content,” she declares. “Think Barbie movie, from makeup tutorials to fashion promotions and novelty event pop-ups, these strategies boost content awareness and heighten FOMO.”

The report has advice on device preference, data usage and privacy and attention spans. When it comes to visual design, the message is ‘be bold’. “Incorporate bold visuals and interactive features to keep users engaged.

“Think vibrant colours, dynamic animations, and unique designs to make your app stand out. Add elements like gamification, AR/VR experiences and responsive design to create a memorable and immersive user experience,” the author says.

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